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Lesson 10

A. Listening

Вы услышите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях B3-B8 в поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Aux Card FBFB73

Author: ФИПИ
Source: https://www.fipi.ru

B3. Christy has taken an exam in
1) English.
2) German.
3) Spanish.

B4. Paul and Christy are
1) classmates.
2) friends.
3) relatives.

B5. The sport Christy does is
1) athletics.
2) aerobics.
3) dancing.

B6. The school subject that Christy finds difficult is
1) World History.
2) Information Technology.
3) Environmental Science.

B7. Christy's favourite dish is
1) spaghetti.
2) fried potatoes.
3) omelette.

B8. Christy's mother works as
1) a family doctor.
2) a travel agent.
3) a college teacher.

Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.

B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8
2 3 1 2 1 3


Adjectives and Adverbs: Degrees of Comparison

B. Choose the right answers.

1. I like skiing as much as skating.

a. more
b. as much
c. as more

2. I think I am seriously ill. Today I feel as bad as I felt yesterday.

a. worse
b. the worst
c. as bad as

3. The least said the soonest mended.

a. least
b. less
c. last

4. This building is very high. Actually it's the highest building in the town.

a. more higher
b. the highest
c. higher

5. Richard got fewer good marks than Fred in the examinations.

a. less
b. fewer
c. few

6. Their children are not well-behaved. Actually they are the worst-behaved children I've ever seen.

a. badly-behaved
b. worse-behaved
c. the worst-behaved

7. The boys felt worse than the girls about losing the game.

a. bad
b. the worst
c. worse

8. It was a very bad mistake. In fact it was the worst mistake she had ever made.

a. worse
b. the worst
c. bad

9. I can't walk very fast. You are younger; you can walk much faster.

a. much faster
b. fast
c. the fastest

10. I want you to read the next passage of the text.

a. the next
b. the nearest
c. next

11. Her illness was far more serious than we at first had thought.

a. the most serious
b. not as serious
c. far more serious

12. Last Wednesday my friend didn't come late to work. I came later.

a. latter
b. the last
c. later

13. The nights in summer are not as long as the nights in winter.

a. not as long as
b. as long as
c. longer

14. Richard and Timothy don't know many people at the party. Lionel and David know more.

a. more
b. the most
c. as many

15. I like decent people as much as serious ones.

a. as much as
b. as more as
c. more


Sequence of Tenses

C. Read the following sentences and complete them with prepositions.

1. David told his friend that he might use his bicycle whenever he liked.

a. might he use
b. he might use
c. he had used

2. Julia said that she had been working hard for the past few weeks and was very tired.

a. had been working
b. was working
c. worked s

3. I thought you said Jack would phone you when he got back from his trip to the mountains.

a. ought to phone
b. would phone
c. phoned

4. Ann told me that she hadn't expected them to arrive so soon and was very much surprised when they had.

a. didn't expect
b. hadn't expected
c. doesn't expect

5. The teacher said the pupils mustn't make so much noise during the breaks.

a. mustn't make
b. don't have to make
c. didn't make

6. Mr. Clemence said that because of the fire part of the building had gone completely, and the rest of it was falling down.

a. was falling down
b. had been falling down
c. fell down

7. The policeman warned us that we mustn't cross the street against the red light.

a. we mustn't cross
b. mustn't we cross
c. we don't have to cross

8. Kay said that she usually bought her clothes at random, and as a result she didn't have any decent things to wear.

a. hasn't
b. didn't have
c. doesn't have

9. The shop assistant showed me a book and said that the book described the museums of our town.

a. described
b. was describing
c. had described

10. Why did you say that Paul wasn't a careful driver?

a. wasn't
b. weren't
c. hadn't been

11. Did you say you would have to get up very early the following morning?

a. you would have to get up
b. would you have to get up
c. will you have to get up

12. Cecily answered she had been writing stories and poems all her life since as long as she could remember.

a. had been writing
b. was writing
c. wrote

13. Tom said that he had been late for work that morning, and he added that he had never been late before.

a. had never been late
b. was never late
c. never had been late

14. Sharon said she had left her key in her pocket, but she couldn't find it there.

a. had been left
b. left
c. had left

15. The librarian didn't think the students would have taken their books to the library by the following week yet.

a. would take
b. would have taken
c. took